Paper Hot Rods, Moody Zombies and Birds that DRIVE!


No doubt you had lots to do this weekend, lots of chores, hanging out with friends, reading things, cleaning things, calling relatives, I mean you know, whatever you’ve got going on during the weekend, you were doing it, right? Who has time for the COMPUTER on the weekend?!? Ah, and now it’s Monday, and maybe you’re grumpy because some people get the day off, but you don’t… and it’s a fine time for a little diversion. That’s what Gothtober IS FOR! Hooray! Let’s play catch-up on the days you might have missed, and then you can brag about how awesomely cultured you are and create envy and intrigue in the workplace.

Lush Newton (famous artist in beautiful Humboldt, CA.) made for us some beautiful Haunted Paper Hot Rods, you just download them, print them, color and cut and you’re ready to race! We’re going to make a bunch of these babies at CraftNight on the 14th this week, we’ll post pictures of what is made, Haunted Auto Derby here we come!

Woodrow & Jimmy (DAY 11) Take us down memory lane and revisit a classic film, zombie style! If arm-munching makes you a little queazy, make sure you view this one before lunch.

Monday starts us off with Hel’s (DAY 12) touching and endearing story of two crocheted birds having a lovely evening out on the town. There’s no arm-eating in this one, as far as I can remember, it’s actually kind of sweet.

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