3 Days Left to Apply for Gothtober!

Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 7.00.51 PMTHREE DAYS!!!

[epiclink link = ‘http://www.gothtober.com/gothblog/gothtober-faq/’ color = ‘btn btn-warning’ ]Read the Gothtober FAQ[/epiclink]


[epiclink link = ‘http://www.gothtober.com/gothblog/application/’ color = ‘btn btn-warning’ ]Apply for Gothtober NOW![/epiclink]


You don’t need to be an artist with a paintbrush to be a Gothtober contributor, as the calendar is comprised of recipes, slideshows, photography, live action, music, drawings, videos, recorded nonsense, crafts, and more!

Often it is said that art is for dealers and galleries when really, art is for you and I.

Art is for everyone, and everyone can make art. All ages can contribute.

Gothtober itself is creative love: a human endeavor that pokes an everyday person to experience risk, change, generosity, connection, and creativity. If you think you don’t have time to do something for Gothtober, you are probably right, which also means you should do it more than ever. You make something that goes out into the world, and it changes the world in teeny tiny ways, and maybe even in larger ways you could never foresee and cannot control.

This is the critical statement that Gothtober makes to the world: a platform for contributors to have the creative freedom to bring forth an attempt at connection with our fellow humans. You might not like what all of our contributors have to say, but that is part of its impact, and we stand by it 100%

We ask you to commit. We ask you to make a leap of faith for yourself and your creative process. We ask you to quit making excuses and make a thing. Ignore the naysayers, the doubters, the doubts, and overcome the resistance!

What can Gothtober provide for you? We can provide a little piece of real estate with some pretty lax rules, and we can give you a hard deadline. We host everything ourselves on our private server, protecting you from censorship and the shackles of paid sponsorship.

Gothtober calls to you, it’s a collective project that is strange, sharable, and free. It doesn’t have focus groups, it doesn’t make money, it’s pure nonsense, and it is what’s desperately needed in the here and now!