The Jack o’ Lantern has SPOKEN!
The orange smoke from the smokestack of Gothtober Headquarters flew up and swirled about the almost full moon, announcing that the Gothtober Contributors have been chosen! The bats will scurry in a hurry, the chattering, clattering, giggling and scrambling continues until the last bit of September is over, and we unveil the first of our participants’ efforts! Here is the list of THE CHOSEN, their long shadows dance in the moonlight mellow, as will o’ the wisps fly in the chilly meadow!
Look forward to our FIFTEENTH autumn assemblage containing crafts, films, treats of all kinds bringing a cornucopia of strange delights to you phone, your tablet, your desktop screens!
Cristin Pescosolido
Odious Ari
Roasted Udon Fisher
Danny Torrance
Yuki Okada
Leah Harmon
Nora R
Pauly G
Jenn Paige Gordon
Rick Orner
Sabine Maxine
Federico Tobon
Mike Rainey
Ian MacKinnon
Kendra and Miles
Stephanie Abler
Chambers Family
David LeBarron
Barry Morse
Emily Hansen
Lush Newton
Jenny Walsh
Ignis Fatua
Kimberly Kim
Michael Gump
Yuki Okada
Ananda and Kierston
Del Norte
Waller Family
The Stig
Bona Bones