And today we’ve got a bit of burlesque! Peek into the boudoir of Femme Ghost who is having a conversation with someone on the telephone. Who could it be? We may never know.
We’re thrilled to have Fleur the Tease, also known as Lore Poudrier, in Gothtober this year. We think it’s nice to have some spice other than just pumpkin for the Halloween season. Lore is a writer and a queer arts performer, and they are also what is known as a Death Doula.
A death doula is a person who assists in the dying process, much like a midwife or doula does with the birthing process. It is often a community based role, aiming to help families cope with death through recognizing it as a natural and important part of life.
Lore has been serving as a Death Doula in the Los Angeles LGBTQIA+ and Polyamourous communities. They have taken up a specialization in paperwork for legal protections, planning legacy projects and rituals, and helping chosen families plan memorial services and gatherings that mark the anniversary of a death.
Lore has a TikTok account that randomly goes viral on occasion, where they are trying to get the younger generation to normalize talking about death and dying and empower them to make plans.