Gothtober 2020 Contributors Announced!

The Demons Have Voted, The Kraken is Quite Pleased! 

Hark! Hark to the wind! ’T is the night, they say,
When all souls come back from the far away—
The dead, forgotten this many a day!
~Virna Sheard (1862–1943), “Hallowe’en”

On October 1st, when the countdown begins, a new surprise by a different artist launched each day until Halloween. Our EIGHTEENTH autumn assemblage will contain films, crafts, recipes and goodies of all kinds to your portable device or desktop, you needn’t go anywhere or do anything, it comes to YOU! See here our sinister selection of spooky contributors this year: 

1 – Farley & Breon 
2 – Cristin Pescosolido 
3 – Ollie Paige Linden
4 – Thomas Family
5 – Bill Cole 
6 – Auntie Lyla
7 – Horror Movie Survival Guide
8 – Linda Santiman 
9 – Pauly G
10 – Sibyl O’Malley
11 – Yuki Okada

12 – Christine Panushka
13 – Liz Hogan
14 – Julianna Parr 
15 – Lori Meeker
16 – Anne Yatco
17 – Dominique Dibbell
18 – Breezy 
19 – Asher Slasher
20 – Michael Gump
21 – WolfCat Workshop
22 – Mojo & Hojo 

23 – Jenny Walsh 
24 – LeBarron & Half Tongue Tribe
25 – Martin Ontiveros
26 – Del Norte Presents
27 – The Witchy Witches 
28 – Sabine Maxine
29 – Mellocreme Fairchild III
30 – Barry M and Nancy S
31 – Lisa McNeely 

Red Type = New to the Calendar this year!

Than you thank you participants! While we can’t be witch each other due to the virus, we’ll still flaunt and haunt to the best of our abilities. And oh my gourdness, I can hardly wait to see what eerie-sistible spells we’ll cast this year. A scare is born! ~xo JP Head Candy Corn

Gothtober 2019 Artists Announced!

The Cobwebs have PARTED! The Jack ‘o’ Lantern has SPOKEN! 

The south-wind strengthens to a gale, across the moon the clouds fly fast, your hair is smitten with a flail, Gothtober’s almost here at last! 

On such a night, when air has loosed, it’s guardian grip on blood and brain, old terrors then of art and ghosts, shall creep from cave to life again! 

Visit us on October 1st, when the countdown begins, a new surprise by a different artist launched each day until Halloween. Our SEVENTEENTH autumn assemblage will contain films, crafts, recipes and goodies of all kinds to your portable device or desktop, you needn’t go anywhere or do anything, it comes to YOU! See here our sinister selection of spooky contributors this year: 

1 – Snergle Snerg
2 – Cristin P
3 – Sam G
4 – Mellocreme Fairchild III
5 – Aunt Lyla KaRug
6 – Thomas Clan
7 – Federico Tobon
8 – Horror Survival Guide
9 – Pauly G
10 – Ollie
11 – Del Norte Presents
12 – O’Malley Enterprises
13 – Ash
14 – Mike Rainey
15 – Alis Jurua Nonpareil
16 – Yuki Okada
17 – Lisa McNeely
18 – Jeffrey Levin
19 – Kim Kimm
20 – Harkins
21 – Gallagher and Morrison
22 – The Witchy Witches
23 – Jenny Walsh
24 – Vlad and Coral
25 – Martin Ontiveros
26 – Chris Baughman
27 – The Return of Mellocreme Fairchild III
28 – Michael Gump
29 – Chambers Family
30 – Barry Morse
31 – Dan Graul

Asher Slasher’s Sexy Pumpkin Stencils for Gothtober Day 12

Visit the Gothtober Countdown Calendar and CLICK DAY TWELVE  to download Asher Slasher’s Sexy Pumpkin Stencils!

All right folks! Screen this one please, it’s R-Rated, if you look closely. These are some very different pumpkin stencils than ones you may have used in the past, they’re quite a lot of fun, perfect for attracting certain kinds of people, and repelling other kinds of people, lol.
Unique, sexy, mischievous and pretty darn clever, these designs are easy to carve into any pumpkin you see fit.
Asher Slasher is our FIRST artist to offer pumpkin stencils of any kind, we think they’re a fabulous addition to our growing library of crafty downloads, enjoy!

Gothtober Day 11 Parisian Catacomb Adventure!

Visit the Gothtober Countdown Calendar and CLICK DAY ELEVEN  to go underneath the city of Paris! 

Once upon a time, Coral was offered the awesome adventure of a lifetime, spelunking with fabulous friends underneath the city of Paris in an underground network of catacombs underneath the city of lights! What’s down there besides mud, water and darkness? Plenty! See some of these exciting scenes that will hopefully inspire YOU to wander around in small, cramped quarters underneath Paris, when you visit it. Bring a flashlight with NEW batteries, lol.

Witchy Witches Return for Gothtober Day 10

Visit the Gothtober Countdown Calendar and CLICK DAY TEN  to experience something quite  supernatural!

The Witchy Witches return from the coven to talk about a HAUNTED CASINO! We’ll delve into the WHY and the HOW and even the WHO of just what goes on in these kinds of places! They share supernatural ghostly witchy anecdotes, some of them NSFW be advised, pretty saucy stuff!  Watch and fall under their gamblin’ spells!

Gothtober Day 9: Rod Serling Jr.

Visit the Gothtober Countdown Calendar and CLICK DAY NINE  to experience something quite  supernatural!

Time for a classic, intriguing and suspenseful THRILLER by Rod Serling, Jr! Follow Nan BcBride, traveling country singer, on tour across small town America! Things seem pretty normal for Nan, hopping from town to town, until one day, something seems different. Is it different? Well, you’ll just have to tune in and judge for yourself, won’t you?
No joke though, from the editing, to the sound, to the casting, this film is a lovely homage to one of TV’s greatest shows of all time.

As Scream on TV! David LeBarron’s DAY 8 for Gothtober!

Visit the Gothtober Countdown Calendar and CLICK DAY EIGHT  to purchase NOW on “As Scream on TV!”

This day and age is packed with wonderful inventions and offerings of life-changing contraptions, appliances and potions! As Scream on TV brings us the deal of the century with seasonal products that are guaranteed to please! Act now and get this AMAZING autumn offer that’s more than fifty percent off the retail price! It’s INSANE!
Everyone’s a winner, bargains GALORE!
David LeBaroon and Chris Baughman team up to bring us this terrific ad that’ll have you reaching for your credit card and picking up the phone! Use with caution… even though it’s fool proof…

Winning with Gothtober Day 7 Animation from Dragon Girl

Visit the Gothtober Countdown Calendar and CLICK DAY SEVEN  to see Dragon Girl’s animation! 

Today is another piece by what we’ve come to call the “Gothtober Youth.” Dragon Girl is twelve years old and talented! For 2018, he’s made us an animation about WINNING! That’s right, slot machines are risky, but sometimes… they work out! This is one such situation, illustrated and animated quite nicely, we’re most impressed, and we hope the luck passes on to us!

Gothtober Day 6: In Pizza We Crust with Del Norte Presents

Visit the Gothtober Countdown Calendar and CLICK DAY SIX  for a culinary tour of Halloween Pizzas! 

Do you like cute pizzas? Do you like cute HALLOWEEN pizzas?
Del Norte Presents has come through for us in a way never before seen on Gothtober! Sometimes you see these types of seasonal recipes in magazines and wonder to yourself “Do any of these actually WORK?”
Del Norte Presents Kitchen has taken on ALL the work of making and tasting four variations on a “Halloween Pizza” theme and brought the savings to you! Get your toppings together and follow along with the step-by-step photos.
Helpful informational tidbits make putting these decorative pies together a cinch, you’ll be the slice of the party!

Marquis and the Ghost of Peg Entwistle for Gothtober Day 5

Visit the Gothtober Countdown Calendar and CLICK DAY FIVE to sing along with Marquis!

Gothtober is made in Echo Park, CA, which is in very close proximity of the Hollywood sign. We have many ghosts in Hollywood, but one of the most legendary is the ghost of Peg Entwistle, who ended her life by jumping off of the top of the”H” in the sign in the year 1932 at the age of 24.

The first part of the song contains the words of her suicide note. It was found in her purse by a passersby. While this tune is quite morbid, it’s also quite catchy, and hours after hearing the song, I’ve ended up humming it to myself more than once. Is it just a regular ol’ earworm… or is it PEG’S GHOST?!? We may never know…

This song has NEVER been heard before, debuting today, Marquis said he can’t wait to try it out with the whole band, and neither can we! Until then, sing along with the words below if you’re in a halloween mood:

I am afraid, I am a coward. 
I am sorry for everything. 
If I had done this a long time ago, it would have saved a lot of pain.”
Found my shoes, 
my purse, my coat 
At the icon of this town 
Found my sad little note
And the body I threw down 
Everybody jump like Peg
Throw yourself & twist your leg
Toss your head & let it shake
Leap until you feel it break
You can see this and other dark musical favorites played LIVE by Marquis and The Rhythm Howlers