Artists 2024

PRESENTING! The 2024 Gothtober Countdown Calendar artists! We are honored to share 31 days with this spirited gathering of mischievous souls. What’s this? You don’t see them all listed? Artist names will materialize as each new piece launches! (Evil ghost laughter here)

1 – The Jessicas
2 –
3 –
4 – 
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –
10 –
11 –

12 –
13 –
14 –  
15 –
16 –
17 –
18 –
19 –
20 –
21 –
22 –

23 –
24 –
25 –
26 –
27 –
28 –
29 –
30 –
31 –

The Jessicas

They are The Jessicas, the city’s most enigmatic and effective private investigators. Might look kind of familiar, but don’t be fooled. When the maelstrom hunts you down, wish for one of the Jessicas to help you solve the case!


Gothtober’s Architecture

This year’s 2024 calendar features the original coding of Michael Soderstrom from 2015, which has since been modified by both Laura Mann, and Cristin Pescosolido. All illustration and design of the main calendar, (and some of the pieces) is by Julianna (JP) Parr

This calendar is made possible through our Gothtober artists, and our donors. We’re a 501c3, nobody’s makin’ money off this crazy thing, we do it because we love it, and we love you, and we believe in “together art.”