The calendar went LIVE last night, we always pick newbies for DAY 1, to get you in the mood for fall fun!
It’s time for puppets! It’s time for, specifically, puppets of the two hosts from the “Horror Movie Survival Guide,” Julia Marchese, and Marion Kerr. Created and puppeted by one of their fiercely crafty producers, Teri Gamble, you can watch the 2-D version of our hosts give you expert advice on how to STAY ALIVE when watching horror movies, very good tips!
This information is hard to get and highly prized, we trust you’ll watch, learn, and keep it away from evil forces, demons, flesh-eating zombies, you know, the horror hoi polloi. From oldies back in film’s beginning days, to VHS classics, to more modern creature features, this lively, witty and candid podcast delves deep with insights, minutia, personal anecdotes, and plenty of great facts and figures to boost your horror movie knowledge. For instance, did you know that Piper Laurie’s bible verses in Brian DePalma’s Carrie are all completely fake and made up… but somehow still amazingly believable?
Bob Baker himself with some of the stars of “Halloween Hoop de Doo” opening October 6th, 2012 at the Bob Baker Marionette Theater
Everyone, start your pumpkins, and beginning with pumpkin #1 on the calendaris short film by Alex Evans (film maker and marionetteer at Bob Baker Theater) featuring a very dashing and debonaire vampire calling you to see the unearthly, eerie, fun and wild “Halloween Hoop de Doo” at Bob Baker Theater starting October 6th! I can’t endorse this enough, as a puppeteer myself, you should know that this theater is an incredible Los Angeles treasure not to be missed. GET TICKETS! (Currently, their show Fiesta is being dismantled and stored, so it might say that no upcoming events are on the roster, but rest assured, the new show IS opening in less than 5 days!)
You will see the expertly nimble talents of puppeteers Eric De LaCruz, Victor Munoz, Alex Evans and Adrian Rose (as well as more marionette performers) bring Bob’s hand made puppets to life in a madcap series of captivating vignettes ALL having to do with Halloween!
You will see the Purple People Eater!
You will see the Invisible Man!
You will see skeletons wearing lipstick!
LIPSTICK?!? You heard me! It’s possible!
A macabre group of “party people” from the roaring 20s, courtesy of Bob Baker Marionette Theater
Bob Baker’s legacy is absolutely incredible, he is a master showman, artist, craftsman and expert puppeteer. He turned 88 this year, and he’s been working puppet strings since age 8. His theater holds over 3,000 hand made puppets, and I’d be doubtful about that claim except that I saw them all myself and my eyeballs almost fell out of my head in disbelief. This place is hands down one of the most wonderful places in our gigantic city of angels, and it has helped shape the inspiration and imagination of countless kids and adults for the last 52 years. Bob has also worked with Walt Disney, Stephen Spielberg, Elvis, The Three Stooges, Angela Lansbury, the list goes on and on, it’s nuts.
Here are some clips of Bob’s fascinating and remarkable contributions to stage and screen.
But here’s a little Halloween tidbit that people don’t know: Two of his hand crafted marionettes live in special cases at Disneyland in Paris! If you know anyone who is a little scared of the queen and her evil antics, you can show them this link and tell them that she’s very far away and posing no threat to anyone, thanks to Bob. That’s right, the Evil Queen in her “before” and “after” stages are on display, and you can see close-ups of these beautiful works and find out more about Bob at this 2011 exposé on Filmic Light’s Snow White archive.
Bob Baker Marionette Theater
1345 W. 1st St. (under the bridge where 2nd. St. turns into Glendale)
Los Angeles, CA. 90026
I’m sure you thought we forgot about things here in gothtoberland, but we have been busy getting everything ready for your viewing pleasure. That and we had a fantastic CrafttNight at AKBAR in Los Angeles putting together the fantastic cars that Lush Newton (day 10) designed.
But here you go. Have you ever lost your shoes? Really lost them? Especially the boots that you really loved and are just dying to wear to go out dancing tonight? Well, XKiller did, and she made a great flash animation about it. You can see that on day 14.
Day 15 features Miss Lori, who returns to gothtober with a puppet operetta about a besotted mother and her little girl. There are lessons to be learned about how to dress your child – don’t you ignore them!
Day 16’s Dark Adams is also a gothtober veteran, and he gives us a peek into the Weird, Wild Old West (or at least what it may have sounded like.) Follow the instructions and download his mp3 file for your listening pleasure.